RE: Sports Grants Applications for the New Financial Year AUGUST 2022 – JULY 2023


The Commission is required to advise the Government of the funding requirements of NSO’s by May 2022 and we now require full details, and requests, from those“eligible sporting organisations” by May 2022.

Further to the discussions held at the last NSO Conference, we are keen on receiving not only your requests for the next fiscal year being to July 2022 but as importantly, those major requests that you are now aware of over the following four years. This principally relates to Hosting International events or Overseas tours where you are required to attend world qualifying and ranking events.

Current Grants available to “eligible NSO’s” are:

Form 201: Short Term Expert – Local Development Officer: To assist in funding local development officers.

Form 202: Short Term International Expert Grant: To assist in acquiring overseas experts on short-term basis.

Form SG301: Overseas Sports Tours: To assist to send athletes or teams overseas for international competitions. ONLY available for Ranking or qualifying tournaments of your sports national team or athlete.

Form SG302: Host International Tournaments: To assist in hosting international events which have overseas participants.

Form401:  Sports Scholarship Grants: To assist in sending elite athletes, and technical officials overseas for high-level training on a short-term basis.

Form 501: International Coaches Grant: To assist in the appointment of international coaches for the development of National teams and athletes.

To be considered for a grant:

An NSO to be considered for any grant funding must be first certified by the Commission as an “eligible NSO”, have demonstrated that the sport is gender-inclusive, and be able to certify that it can provide a major portion of all budgeted expenditure as generally due to a large number of requests received the NSO should budget for up to 2 thirds of the cost.

Have clearly demonstrated that it is transparent, accountable, and practices good sports governance principles.

Have participated in all Annual Events which include the NSO Conference, Coaches Forum, and the Fiji Sports Awards.

Individual grant request templates must be fully completed for each particular request and be emailed and a hard copy delivered with all required documentation to the Commission office by Monday 31 January 2022.

Grants must include full budgets (income & Expenditure), details of event and invitation, details of benefits for sport, and the benefits (detailed) to the Fiji economy.


Consideration for any Grant will only be given when received from the National Sporting Organization (NSO) which is recognized as representing that sport and is affiliated to and a member of the internationally recognized body for that sport.

Grants will only be considered if the NSO applying has been accepted by the Commission as being an eligible organization.
Disability Grants do not have to be submitted through an NSO but will be considered on merit.

All eligible grants are accorded due process,

  • All grant requests are prepared and presented initially to the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Ministry of Economy for budget preparation and Government overall individual grant allocation.
  • Subject to budget allocations the Grants Committee reviews each grant for submission to FNSC Board for approval.
  • The board reviews all grants prior to advising NSO of allocations available based on funding received.

Eligible National Sports Organization

An eligible organization is the NSO annually recognized as representing their particular sport in Fiji and has provided the Commission with the following documents:

a. Full acquittals on all previous grants received.

b. Achievements reports on all previous grants received

c. NSO Constitution

d. NSO Policies relating to:

      a.Child Protection Policy

      b.Drug-Free Sports Policy

      c.Athlete Selection Policy

e. Safe Sports Fiji Certification 2021

f. Vaccination Details as per grant application.

g. Current Annual Accounts – Must be audited if NSO income is over $100,000 in a year

h. Tax (T.I.N.) Identification Letter

i. List of Current Executives and their term of office.

j. Four-Year Development Plan and programs

k. Strategic Plan of Action

l. Current International Ranking of Sport

m. Minutes of the NSO’s latest AGM

3.3       Criteria

For any request for sports funding from Fiji National Sports Commission (FNSC) to be considered, an application on the designed template with full supporting documentation

Must first be received by the Commission directly from the respective eligible National Sporting Organization.

In addition, all NSO’s must submit a full disclosure of declaration of any Athlete or athlete support personnel found to have encouraged the use of or found to have taken performance-enhancing substances on the World Anti-Doping banned drugs list.

Failure to provide this information will automatically disqualify the application to be considered for funding.

Grant applications for any financial year must be received no later than 31 January as the available funding is subject to normal Government processes.

New or urgent eligible grant requests may be submitted with required documents at any time but will only be considered on the basis of available surplus and unallocated funding received.

Justification for Grant Request:

We must now provide Justification for any grant request by submitting the outcomes and impact of the previous year's grants including a gender impact analysis of your sport. Please ensure this section of new grant forms is completed fully and shows any change in international ranking for your sport.

I cannot stress the urgency of all NSO’s complying with our timelines to ensure they will be considered for assistance in the next fiscal year from 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2023.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me or email



Peter Mazey
Executive Chairman